Ge.Co – Your Georgian Corner

Explore the
taste of Georgia

Indulge in the rich flavors and centuries-old tradition of Georgian wine. Experience Georgian cuisine, where aromatic spices, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables come together to create a feast for the senses.

Made according to ancient historical tradition.
ISO certified.

Biologically pure product, obtained in special natural climatic conditions.

Georgian winemaking technology is recognized and protected by UNESCO.

Made from unique varieties of grapes that grow only in Georgia

Meet Our Bestsellers


Wines, chacha, koniak, brandy and more

Soft drinks

Lemonades, compotes, mineral water ..


Preserves, pickles, jams, sauces and so on


Wines, chacha, koniak, brandy and more

Soft drinks

Lemonades, compotes, mineral water ..


Preserves, pickles, jams, sauces and so on

Ge.Co – Your Georgian Corner

Why Georgian?

What makes Georgian products so unique? A country of longevity and exceptional beauty has a lot to offer.

Georgia boasts a millennia-old tradition of winemaking and culinary arts, with techniques passed down through generations, resulting in products imbued with rich cultural heritage.

Our Partners

Hippisch centrum Bonheiden
Nikki Club
Moja Gruzja
BEBU Group

Try something new

Join us for a wine tasting event!

For restaurants
and sellers

Do you have a restaurant and want you guests to pair their culinary adventure with an exploration of Georgian wine that’s equally captivating?
Or maybe you sell Georgian products and would love to see them in our shop?

In both cases we have something to offer.

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